Well, I've been on a bit of a wild ride trying to find a high quality ~15-inch gaming/multimedia laptop within my price range. I thought that the Dell XPS series would be ideal for my needs at first, and went ahead and customized one of their laptops. I had been under the relatively mistaken impression that the difference between the NVIDIA 525m and 540m was negligible at best (and that they were great graphics card to begin with) and configured an XPS 15 with a Sandy Bridge i7-2630QM processor, FHD 1080p resolution, 6GB of memory and the 525m graphics card. Needless to say, after some research I soon found out that I would not really be able to play games with high-quality graphics that I had wanted and anticipated, as the graphics card was, well, fairly mismatched with the rest of the system in terms of strength. At least in the sense that I wouldn't really be able to do any high quality gaming at the native 1920x1080 resolution with that graphics card. Even the 540m wasn't really going to do the trick, not for me at least.
So, a week after ordering I managed to cancel it - no harm, no foul. And now I'm looking at making this purchase at newegg: Newegg.com - ASUS G Series G53SW-XN1 Notebook Intel Core i7 2630QM(2.00GHz) 15.6" 6GB Memory 500GB HDD 7200rpm DVD Super Multi NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M
Now, that is an Asus G53SW-XN1. The system specs are actually fairly similar to the XPS I configured, but for the graphics card:
i7-2630QM processor
15.6 FHD 1920x1080
6GB DDR3 memory
500GB 7200 RPM hard drive
DVD Super Multi drive
8-cell lithium-ion battery
That's most of the important stuff listed there. The price is $1199.99
Now, some of this concerns me slightly. That price seems awfully cheap, first off, and I cannot seem to find ANY information on the XN1 suffix on the model name. It worries me that there's some important bit of hardware that could be left out within this configuration, and *that* could be why it's so cheap. Everything does seem to be in order, as far as I can see. Anyone else notice anything of concern?
Also, there is no mention of backlighting. I assume that all the G53/73 series have backlit keyboards at the least, and I also assume that the color for this one is the basic white. I intend on calling newegg to inquire about this, just to make sure. Is there anything else I might want to ask?
Also, I can't really find many reviews on the G53SW. I'm assuming that it's the exact same machine as the G73SW except for the fact that it's the 15-inch model, instead of the 17-inch one. As far as I can tell, the basic hardware specifications are the same. Can I trust that this is the case? I just mean that when I read positive reviews for the G73SW, can I trust that the G53SW will perform the same but for the smaller screen size?
I guess those are the important questions. I'm really excited about ordering this laptop, and I really don't wanna get screwed over. I felt like that happened a little bit with my XPS experience. But it seems that I actually will be able to play videogames at a high level with this machine, in addition to enjoying other multimedia stuff like watching movies/TV, listening to music, and so forth. I'm just really neurotic about this laptop stuff at the moment, and I'd like a little assurance that this one I'm buying isn't going to be some weak, inadequate version because it's, like, cheaper than the base model on xoticpc before customizing options, for example. That XN1 suffix worries me a bit, since it's not the A1 suffix on xoticpc. I know that the specs are what they are, and I won't be able to customize anything on newegg. I just wanna make sure this is essentially the same great laptop as the one described in the G73SW reviews I'm reading - since those reviews had the same processor and graphics card and typically about as much memory (maybe the test models had 8GB instead of 6GB). So, I assume that I shouldn't worry. Right?
Reply 1 : Considering buying the G53SW - help/feedback, please?
That looks like a great deal from NewEGG.. The only differences I notice are 2 gig less ram, and smaller HD (750 VRS 500). The advantage of a botique retailer is they will test your system B4 shipping if asked, and may offer more help if RMA is needed... If you have good tech skills, I would go with the newegg deal and for the price difference you could replace the boot drive with an SSD. Plus a clean install of windows will run incredibly fast on a well speced machine like that. Good luck with your purchase.
Reply 2 : Considering buying the G53SW - help/feedback, please?
Originally Posted by JOSEA That looks like a great deal from NewEGG.. The only differences I notice are 2 gig less ram, and smaller HD (750 VRS 500). The advantage of a botique retailer is they will test your system B4 shipping if asked, and may offer more help if RMA is needed... If you have good tech skills, I would go with the newegg deal and for the price difference you could replace the boot drive with an SSD. Plus a clean install of windows will run incredibly fast on a well speced machine like that. Good luck with your purchase.
I have decent tech skills, but I'm pretty good buddies with the IT guy at work, and I think if I have any issues he'll be more than capable of helping me out. I guess you do run that risk if something turns out to be weird or buggy with your system - they would build and test it out before sending it to you at a place like xoticpc, whereas with newegg I assume they have a bunch of those laptops with identical specs all boxed up and ready to ship out, correct?
Also, I assume that I can add an extra 2GB of ram on my own. Or more? is 16GB the max, or is that just the case on the G73 because of the bigger chassis and 8GB is the max on the G53? Regardless, I sort of think 6GB will be enough, and if isn't then I would hope 8GB would do the trick.
Reply 3 : Considering buying the G53SW - help/feedback, please?
I have never dealt with NE, but I am sure that is how they keep the cost low (no testing and selling many units). Just as an aside, I recently dealt with an online etailer for a high end radio, I asked and they threw in a pair of decent headphones for free.. my point is ask new egg if they can throw in any goodies before you purchase. 
If it comes with 6 GIG it must have 4 slots for RAM (like the G73 series). To keep costs down they hook you up with 2 gig modules so no doubt you can go to 8 GIG. I am not sure about 16 gig, but I am sure someone else here will know.
BTW I assume you have good eye sight, full HD at native resolution on a 15.6 " screen means small desktop icons. and text etc
I had to get new glasses just to use mine!
If it comes with 6 GIG it must have 4 slots for RAM (like the G73 series). To keep costs down they hook you up with 2 gig modules so no doubt you can go to 8 GIG. I am not sure about 16 gig, but I am sure someone else here will know.
BTW I assume you have good eye sight, full HD at native resolution on a 15.6 " screen means small desktop icons. and text etc
I had to get new glasses just to use mine!
Reply 4 : Considering buying the G53SW - help/feedback, please?
Heyy, that's not a bad idea about asking for freebies - I'd imagine that if you're spending a lot of money with them, they wouldn't shy away from tossing in an extra here or they to keep you happy and shopping with them. I ought to give that a shot, why not.
And yeah I'm sure there's enough slots for 8 gigs of RAM. I don't know why I care if there's more than that, I highly doubt that I would need more than 8GB. And yeah, thankfully I do have pretty great eyesight, I love having tiny icons... I use a 15" macbook pro right now and everyone is consistently shocked at how absurdly tiny my dock and icons are, but that's just how I like it.
Don't get confused, though - it's not a particularly good Macbook Pro. It's like, about 3.5-4 years old now and wasn't a particularly high-end model when it was first purchased, I don't think. It's a hand-me-down from my father, he generally gives me his old laptop whenever he gets a new one. I haven't had to buy a computer for myself since... around 2002, maybe 2003. So it's been fun (albeit a little scary) to find one for myself, this time around.
And I'm so sick of this MBP - it's dying, really. The battery life currently maxes out at around 25 seconds, maybe 30 seconds if I'm lucky. the CD/DVD drive is totally burnt out and spits out whatever I put into it, after making some sputtering noises. My little Penrym dual processor doesn't really cut it anymore, neither does the whopping 2GB of RAM, and my GeForce 8600m GT graphics card wasn't exactly "top of the line" when it first came out, I don't think.
It's funny, really. I've been getting into playing Starcraft 2 a lot lately, which I can actually run on this computer with all the graphics set to the lowest possible settings and the resolution at like 1024x640 (native is 1440x900). With those settings, I can almost get around ~35 FPS if I close out every other program! And this is the most advanced laptop I've ever owned, I mean, on those settings the game looks pretty good to me and plays fairly smoothly as far as I can tell. I'm hoping that I have a lot to look forward to with the G53SW, but I really have no idea just how much better this new computer is actually going to be. Will it be a lot better? Just sort of better? Am I going to be unbelievably shocked and blown away? I look forward to the surprise.
And yeah I'm sure there's enough slots for 8 gigs of RAM. I don't know why I care if there's more than that, I highly doubt that I would need more than 8GB. And yeah, thankfully I do have pretty great eyesight, I love having tiny icons... I use a 15" macbook pro right now and everyone is consistently shocked at how absurdly tiny my dock and icons are, but that's just how I like it.
Don't get confused, though - it's not a particularly good Macbook Pro. It's like, about 3.5-4 years old now and wasn't a particularly high-end model when it was first purchased, I don't think. It's a hand-me-down from my father, he generally gives me his old laptop whenever he gets a new one. I haven't had to buy a computer for myself since... around 2002, maybe 2003. So it's been fun (albeit a little scary) to find one for myself, this time around.
And I'm so sick of this MBP - it's dying, really. The battery life currently maxes out at around 25 seconds, maybe 30 seconds if I'm lucky. the CD/DVD drive is totally burnt out and spits out whatever I put into it, after making some sputtering noises. My little Penrym dual processor doesn't really cut it anymore, neither does the whopping 2GB of RAM, and my GeForce 8600m GT graphics card wasn't exactly "top of the line" when it first came out, I don't think.
It's funny, really. I've been getting into playing Starcraft 2 a lot lately, which I can actually run on this computer with all the graphics set to the lowest possible settings and the resolution at like 1024x640 (native is 1440x900). With those settings, I can almost get around ~35 FPS if I close out every other program! And this is the most advanced laptop I've ever owned, I mean, on those settings the game looks pretty good to me and plays fairly smoothly as far as I can tell. I'm hoping that I have a lot to look forward to with the G53SW, but I really have no idea just how much better this new computer is actually going to be. Will it be a lot better? Just sort of better? Am I going to be unbelievably shocked and blown away? I look forward to the surprise.
Reply 5 : Considering buying the G53SW - help/feedback, please?
Ok, well... Here is some stuff that, well, I don't know... That newegg "details" panel must be incomplete. I really have to call these guys tomorrow and make sure.
For instance, here's the sale page for the G53JW-XN1 from newegg, check out the details panel: Newegg.com - ASUS G Series G53JW-XN1 NoteBook Intel Core i7 740QM(1.73GHz) 15.6" 4GB Memory DDR3 1333 500GB HDD 7200rpm DVD Super Multi NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M
Now compare that to the details panel for the G53SW-XN1: Newegg.com - ASUS G Series G53SW-XN1 Notebook Intel Core i7 2630QM(2.00GHz) 15.6" 6GB Memory 500GB HDD 7200rpm DVD Super Multi NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M
I *sincerely* hope that all those features the JW has that the SW doesn't is just an error on the website. I would be severely upset if I got my laptop back and it had no LED backlight, only *one single USB port*, no headphone jack or microphone jack, no illuminated keypad, no AC adapter, no LAN communication capabilities... Especially given that the SW costs more than the JW and is obviously a new and improved model.
That has to be an error, right?
edit: On the bright side, as far as I can tell the only difference (in the G53JW version) between the A1 suffix and the XN1 suffix, is that the A1 version has a 750GB hard drive/6GB of RAM whereas the XN1 version has a 500GB hard drive/4GB of RAM. So I would assume that in reality, the differences between the A1 and XN1 in the G53SW series is the same, except with 6GB of RAM in the XN1 and 8GB of RAM in the A1, while the hard drives remain the same in the respective models. Also, since there is a max of 16GB of RAM in the G53JW series I would imagine that's the same for the G53SW series; hooray I can buy a ton more memory and cram my laptop full of it if I so desire! ^____^
I just hope that the product details page is incomplete because the product just went up on newegg >_>
For instance, here's the sale page for the G53JW-XN1 from newegg, check out the details panel: Newegg.com - ASUS G Series G53JW-XN1 NoteBook Intel Core i7 740QM(1.73GHz) 15.6" 4GB Memory DDR3 1333 500GB HDD 7200rpm DVD Super Multi NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M
Now compare that to the details panel for the G53SW-XN1: Newegg.com - ASUS G Series G53SW-XN1 Notebook Intel Core i7 2630QM(2.00GHz) 15.6" 6GB Memory 500GB HDD 7200rpm DVD Super Multi NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M
I *sincerely* hope that all those features the JW has that the SW doesn't is just an error on the website. I would be severely upset if I got my laptop back and it had no LED backlight, only *one single USB port*, no headphone jack or microphone jack, no illuminated keypad, no AC adapter, no LAN communication capabilities... Especially given that the SW costs more than the JW and is obviously a new and improved model.
That has to be an error, right?
edit: On the bright side, as far as I can tell the only difference (in the G53JW version) between the A1 suffix and the XN1 suffix, is that the A1 version has a 750GB hard drive/6GB of RAM whereas the XN1 version has a 500GB hard drive/4GB of RAM. So I would assume that in reality, the differences between the A1 and XN1 in the G53SW series is the same, except with 6GB of RAM in the XN1 and 8GB of RAM in the A1, while the hard drives remain the same in the respective models. Also, since there is a max of 16GB of RAM in the G53JW series I would imagine that's the same for the G53SW series; hooray I can buy a ton more memory and cram my laptop full of it if I so desire! ^____^
I just hope that the product details page is incomplete because the product just went up on newegg >_>
Reply 6 : Considering buying the G53SW - help/feedback, please?
all the G73/53 panels are LED backlit. It comes with 3 USB 2.0 ports and a single USB 3.0 port. Has headphone port, mic port, VGA, and HDMI, plus a multifunction card reader. Comes with illuminated keyboard, has Azureware LAN and Wifi, and a 150W PSU.
Standard affair with G53 series.
Standard affair with G53 series.
Reply 7 : Considering buying the G53SW - help/feedback, please?
This G53SW-XN1 just comes with 1 year warranty while G53JW-XN1 has 2 years warranty... A degrade in quality?
Reply 8 : Considering buying the G53SW - help/feedback, please?
Originally Posted by Chastity all the G73/53 panels are LED backlit. It comes with 3 USB 2.0 ports and a single USB 3.0 port. Has headphone port, mic port, VGA, and HDMI, plus a multifunction card reader. Comes with illuminated keyboard, has Azureware LAN and Wifi, and a 150W PSU.
Standard affair with G53 series. |
Still, good to know. I assume those basic models just have plain white lighting for the backlighting, correct? I'm sort of operating under the assumption that the model I'm purchasing is more or less the same as the default G53SW-A1 on xoticpc, except for the hard drive and memory.
Originally Posted by Dao007forever This G53SW-XN1 just comes with 1 year warranty while G53JW-XN1 has 2 years warranty... A degrade in quality?
And besides, depending on how you look at it, a 1-year warranty instead of a 2-year one could just mean they're that much more confident that the product will not malfunction! Or, erm, not. D: You can increase the warranty via additional options on newegg, though.
Reply 9 : Considering buying the G53SW - help/feedback, please?
Yeah, they should be the same. Have you checked out G53SW-XR1. They are exactly the same. Maybe the XN1 is for Newegg distribution? If they are the same then G53SW-XN1 will have only 2 slots for RAM, so it's up to 8GB only.... A bit let down...
Decoding the numbers
ReplyDeleteAsus G series laptops all start with a product number G. that one is obvious
you have the G53's and the G73's. only difference here is the model size, 15 or 17 inch.
the next digits are important
J - first gen intel i7
S - Second Gen "Sandy Bridge" processor - these chips are a lot cheaper to produce and have dropped the overall price of the computers as much as $500 a unit. they have improved integrated graphics as their main boost, and higher clock speeds.
next comes the W/h
W - Nvidia graphics card - stock on a G53/73 is an nvidia 460m
h - AMD/ATI graphics card. if available, it is likely a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870
now for distribution models. first you will have a designator such as -bst or -3DE
this designator is the dristribution family. followed by a number usualy depicting a configuration set within that family.
-BST* these are models distributed by Best Buy
and the number following it is a specific configuration. Generaly speaking with -bst models, the higher the number following -BST, the better the guts on the inside relitive to it's distribution family brothers.
-3DE models come with 120 hertz 3d displays and Nvidia 3d vision glasses - but i believe you loose half your resolution when utilizing this feature, due to the polarizing effect of the shutter glasses. - but operate in full HD when not running 3d.
it is quite possible that all -X's use the same base configuration, and that the N represents some NewEgg exclusive model, as i have not seen them avalible elsewhere. but this is just speculation. if it were true, the 1 would be the first in the series, and the most bare-bone specs. - minimal ram and hard drive. DVD-SuperMulti rather than a BlueRay. No Wi-Max (but who cares about Wi-Max, even the 15 inch isn't really mobile friendly.)
these configurations change specs like Ram, Optical Drive Media, and Screen Resolution (generally speaking, only the -BST models and the Jh models will have lower than a 1080 resolution.)
the G53SW-XN1 is a 15 inch Nvidia model with a 2.0 Ghz sandy bridge processor. it comes with 6 gigs ram, a Super multi DVD drive, and a 1080 "True HD" LED display.
it is important to note that (according to asus's spec sheet) the motherboard in the i7 variants of the G53 family support up to 16 gigs of ram (one slot is difficult to access) and this upgrade can be purchased for around $40 per additional ram modual.
ASUS claims to put out some models of the G53's using other processors like i3's - so check your specs to make sure just in case. naturally these get different designators, however as i have not seen one i do not know what they are.
hope this helped - and it seems the G53SW-XN1 is a fantastic PC for the price... the trick is getting one.
my only tip is Make SURE you are getting an SW and not a JW. the price difference is a joke, - the Sandy Bridge actually costs less in some cases. the clock speed is 2.0 on the SW's compared to 1.7 on the JW's. and you will have improved graphics performance when Nvidia Optimus turns off your nvidia card to save battery life (over that of the J series).
My plan is to get one of the newegg SW-XN1's, Max out it's ram, and spend the money i saved by "Not buying the Mac" on a new Wacom Cintiq 21UX. and a SSD.
this thing is going to make Photoshop sing... and shouldn't have any problems with Maya or Max either. Huzzah!
I agree with Mr. Bisby
ReplyDeleteI will also be purchasing one of these soon, and I was worried about many of the said things above. The way to double check these misconceptions is to go directly to Asus.com, and check the specs for the specific model.